Kalimantan Timur

Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, dahulu dikenal dengan sebutan Borneo, memiliki luas wilayah 211.440 kilometer persegi. Provinsi ini terletak pada posisi koordinat 2° 25' LS - 4° 24' LU dan 113° 44' - 119° 00' BT. Kalimantan Timur adalah provinsi yang terletak di Pulau Kalimantan dengan nama ibu kota Samarinda.


Provinsi Kalimantan Timur mempunyai lambang berbentuk perisai bersudut lima. Didalamnya terdapat lukisan bintang, perisai, mandau, sumpit, tetesan minyak, dan damar.

Lukisan bintang melambangkan kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Perisai melambangkan perdamaian. Sumpit dan mandau melambangkan perjuangan masyarakatnya. Minyak dan damar sebagai tanda kekayaan alamnya yang melimpah yang dimiliki Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.

Didalam logo bertuliskan moto. Ruhui Rahayu yang diambilkan dari Bahasa Banjar yang mengandung arti kehidupan yang harmonis, sejahtera, aman, tenteram, dan diridhai oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Provinsi ini merupakan salah satu dari empat Provinsi di Kalimantan. Kalimantan Timur yang secara administrasi dibentuk berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1956 dengan Gubernur pertama adalah APT Pranoto.

Kalimantan Timur merupakan provinsi terluas kedua di Indonesia dengan luas sekitar satu setengah kali pulau Jawa dan Madura atau 11% dari total luas wilayah Indonesia. Provinsi ini berbatasan langsung dengan negara tetangga yaitu Negara Bagian Sabah dan Serawak, Malaysia Timur.

Pembagian Wilayah

Provinsi Kalimantan Timur terdiri dari 13 Kabupaten dan Kota dengan pembagian sebagai berikut:



Kalimantan Timur memiliki beberapa objek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi dan dinikmati. Sektor pariwisata menyumbang Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), terutama dari kunjungan para wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara. Sejumlah daerah yang layak untuk dikunjungi dan menarik untuk dinikmati pemandangan alamnya antara lain: Kepulauan Derawan di Berau, Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang dan Pantai Batu Lamampu di Nunukan, Penangkaran Buaya di Balikpapan, Peternakan Rusa di Penajam, Kampung Dayak Pampang di Samarinda, Pantai Amal di Kota Tarakan, Pulau Kumala di Tenggarong, dan lain-lain.

Secara umum lokasi objek wisata di Kalimantan Timur berada di sekitar pegunungan, hutan, dan sungai sehingga beberapa lokasi wisata mempunyai kendala transportasi untuk menuju ke lokasi tersebut. Bahkan, banyak bagian di Provinsi ini masih tidak memiliki jalan aspal. Alternatifnya adalah dengan menggunakan perahu dan pesawat terbang untuk menuju lokasi tersebut. Maka wajar saja bila Kalimantan Timur memiliki banyak bandara perintis. Saat ini juga ada rencana pembangunan jalan raya Balikpapan - Samarinda - Bontang - Sangatta demi memperlancar perekonomian. 


Budaya Provinsi Kalimantan Timur ditopang tiga tiang utama yakni Budaya Daerah Pedalaman, Budaya Daerah Pesisir, dan Budaya Kerajaan. Kondisi ini dipengaruhi dari penyebaran dan masuknya suku-suku dan bangsa lain ke Kalimantan Timur, yang mengubah dan menciptakan tatanan dan pola di masyarakatnya. Perubahan ini meliputi tatanan sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi. Ini dimulai dengan penyebaran dari daerah pedalaman dan pantai serta pengaruh kerajaan yang pada akhirnya melahirkan kebudayaan yang beragam. 

Sebagian besar suku induk di Kalimantan Timur adalah masyarakat Dayak. Kebudayaan di Kalimantan Timur, banyak dipengaruhi suku Dayak, terutama pada adat istiadat dan peninggalan hasil karya mereka, berupa kesenian, patung-patung, bangunan dan bentuk rumah, dan faktor lainnya. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalamnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh hasil peninggalan nilai budaya leluhur yang diwariskan secara turun temurun.

Semua masyarakat di bumi ini mengenal apa yang dinamakan dengan upacara adat, yang kemudian menjadi tradisi dan kebiasaan untuk mengenang dan menghormati roh leluhur dan nenek moyang. Melalui upacara adat pula, kebudayaan yang dilatar belakangi dengan pengenalan berbagai hal, dibutuhkan dalam melangsungkan kehidupan hingga generasi sekarang. Upacara adat juga tidak terlepas dari alat atau media yang biasanya dibuat oleh mereka sendiri. Oleh karena itu masyarakat adat dapat mengklaim bahwa dari upacara adatlah kebudayaan umat manusia terlahir, yang sebagian besar masih relevan untuk melangsungkan kehidupan, memelihara lingkungan, dan mempertahankan jati diri sebagai manusia yang berbudaya hingga saat ini.

Tidak bisa dipungkiri dalam upacara adat yang memakan waktu cukup lama itu, banyak termuat berbagai hal atau fenomena yang merupakan simbol-simbol seluk beluk kehidupan yang menghendaki tatanan kehidupan yang baik. Termasuk hubungan dengan alam semesta dan penguasa alam semesta yang gaib. Ini juga sebagai keinginan dari manusia untuk memperoleh tatanan kehidupan yang baik dan keselarasan hubungan dengan alam semesta yang memunculkan hukum adat. Kehadiran hukum adat yang terlahir dari keinginan itu, kemudian dimanfaatkan pula sebagai sabuk pengaman sosial agar ketertiban manusia terpelihara dengan baik dalam tatanan kehidupan sosial.


Melalui udara, terdapat 2 pintu kedatangan yaitu Bandara Sepinggan Internasional di Balikpapan dan Bandara Juata di Tarakan. Penerbangan internasional dari Kalimantan Timur ke Luar Negeri menggunakan penerbangan Silk Air, sedangkan penerbangan domestik dari dan ke Kalimantan Timur menggunakan Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Sriwijaya, Air Asia, dan lain lain. Terdapat pula beberapa bandara perintis untuk mempermudah penerbangan regional.

Melalui darat, terdapat jalur transportasi darat dengan perkerasan yang memadai dari Kalimantan Timur menuju Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah. Terdapat pula angkutan bus antar kota dan propinsi yang beroperasi secara berkala.

Melalui darat dan sungai, digunakan untuk menelusuri Kalimantan Timur menuju kabupaten dan kota hingga wilayah perbatasan dan pedalaman.

Melalui laut, terdapat 2 pintu masuk yang umum dilewati yaitu Pelabuhan Semayang di Balikpapan dan Pelabuhan Tunon Taka di Tarakan.

Sumber :

  • Dewan Adat Dayak Kalimantan Timur. (2011) Profil Dayak Kalimantan Timur: Profil Seni Budaya dan Adat Istiadat Dayak Kalimantan Timur. Samarinda: CV. Hagitadharma.
  • Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. (2012) Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (Sekilas Kalimantan Timur/Guide Book). Samarinda: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.


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Published:May 15, 2013 3:00 a.M. Beer thief wields shopping cartThe Journal GazetteTwice in recent weeks, aMan has used a shopping cart to break through the front door of an Angola store early [b][URL=http://www.uniqueoc.com/demo/images/cheapmensnikeshoes.aspx]cheap jordan sneakers[/URL][/b] in theMorning.Both times, he s gotten away with beer, the angola police department said.Investigators are asking for the public s help in finding the burglar who, from surveillance video footage, appears to be white And in his 20s.During both break-Ins, he was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, black-And-White jogging pants And black-And-White tennis shoes, police said. The thefts happened April 20 AndMay 11 at the Dollar General on WestMaumee Street, police said.Anyone with information about this case can call the angola police department at 665-2121 or Steuben County Crime Stoppers at 668-7867.Copyright 2013 the journal gazette.All rights reserved. Neither thisMaterial nor its presentationMay be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Bob K. :The number of penalties the ravens commit, especially major ones, is very disturbing.You would think this late in the season the ravens would show more discipline and avoid these stupid penalties.They are the league leaders in penalties committed.Is it a coaching problem?
AEG was put up for sale in September, and it appeared as though the company was close to being sold as the number of bidding parties narrowed.Colony capital llc was believed to be the front-Runner in the auction after guggenheim partners llc, which owns and operates the dodgers, dropped out and los angeles billionaire patrick soon-Shiong seemed unwilling to offer the $8 billion asking price.According to multiple sources familiar with the sale, all parties were bidding below aeg's asking price.
In a relatively flat salary-Cap era, the vikings had an opportunity for significant savings.Because of a rarely needed nfl rule, kluwe has no acceleration remaining on his six-Year deal.Thus, all of his projected $1.45 million cap figure has been erased.His replacement, jeff locke, will count about a third of that [b][URL=http://www.scpc.edu.in/old/images/newnikejerseyscheap.aspx]cheap new nike jerseys[/URL][/b] total.In two years, in fact, the vikings have shaved 23 years off the combined age of their punter and place-Kicker and have lowered their cap commitment for those roles by two-Thirds.
Should the Jaguars deal the selection if somebody offers them a 2014 first-Round pick?Almost surely, yes.There's no budding star waiting for them at 33, and they'd be naive to go after a quarterback now when they'll likely have a high draft pick in 2014 to use on a far superior prospect.You wouldn't want to trade this pick to just any nfl team, because there is some value in getting a player on your roster now as opposed to waiting a year and ending up with the 31st pick in next year's draft.So you would probably avoid dealing this selection for a future first-Round pick from the patriots, 49ers, packers, or seahawks, because you can be pretty sure they're making the playoffs next [b][URL=http://www.tcpl.in/nfljerseysdiscount.aspx]cheapest nfl jerseys[/URL][/b] year.Everyone else's first-Round pick should be up for grabs, though.
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He was as beloved by his teammates as Dick Butkus or Mike Singletary.Julius peppers made that clear to me last summer when i suggested the bears would be better served if urlacher missed the start of the season and tried to play the last 12 games.Peppers, lance briggs and peanut tillman said,"You're crazy. "It was urlacher who got them lined up properly, urlacher who stayed in touch with everybody during the week.He didn't need to dance, point to the sky or even praise the lord.He simply devoted himself to his coach, his team and his job, always without controversy or silliness.For all the talk about what urlacher couldn't do--And no, he couldn't cover ground like he did as a young buck--He still forced fumbles and recovered them and ran interceptions back for touchdowns.He still led and inspired, maybe with less drama and self-Absorption than ray lewis, but effectively nonetheless.Urlacher was the perfect chicago bear, a grabowski not a smith, long on toughness and short on diva.

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Surely the [b][URL=http://www.scpc.edu.in/discountnfljerseys.aspx]nfl jerseys cheap nike[/URL][/b] Bills would like to throw some money at the problem, except that they threw lots of money at the problem last year by signing Mario Williams to the biggest defensive free-Agent contract ever, then signing mark anderson with whatever money was left.It's hard to see big changes in the secondary either, since that's where the bills have used a lot of recent draft value.Their starting cornerbacks are a 2012 first-Rounder(Stephon gilmore)And a 2011 second-Rounder(Aaron williams), and 2012 fourth-RounderDa'Norris Searcy probably moves into the strong safety spot.The free safety spot is only a hole if they let pro bowler jairus byrd leave in free agency, which they probably won't.
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We let the BYOD concept to a whole new level - in addition to Marks & Spencers staff mobile office, so that customers can achieve mobile shopping, which gives customers, employees more rights. - UK Marks & Spencer, CIO Darrell Stein BYOD new concept from its founding in the UK Marks & Spencer has 126 years of history, is the UKs largest multinational retail group. Marks and Spencer in the United Kingdom has 600 branches in the world, 40 countries and regions were opened 285 stores. Its 100 years of development history, many revolutionary changes in the department store industry triggered. To improve their competitiveness, Marks & Spencer relies on the rapid growth of IT development team. Stan has just recruited 60 employees, this strong IT team continues to deliver a rather special innovation projects. New items delivered extensive use of interactive shopping technology. In the latest opened stores, there are 156 screens by the "Browse and order" center, a huge touch screen allows customers to arbitrarily virtual fitting. There are "inspired screen" applications, each store terminal, customers can browse the 63 stores the latest trends in clothing and home. Marks & Spencer also 1500 Customer equipped the iPad. In addition to try on a hanger outside thousands of pieces of clothing, customers can also obtain from the above mass product information on the network. In March this year, Marks & Spencer and U.S. online platform TAAZ makeup partnered to provide customers with the industrys most comprehensive virtualization cosmetic solutions. The application is set up a "virtual makeup effects counter", customers can use to see their effect after a certain beauty products. "Facts have proved that customers liked the high-tech consumer." Stein said, "Were trying to do more." Stan hinted that he is planning to allow BYOD applications to a whole new level - in addition to Marks & Spencers staff mobile office, and customers can also implement mobile shopping, which gives customers, employees more rights. "For example, when making sandwiches sold, if the customer buying things straight away, you can not go to checkout checkout, checkout again on the road or home, this is the best and simple." Stein said. It is understood that Marks & Spencers mobile payment application called Paddle, consumers can install the APP on your phone, you can use when shopping camera to scan product code to complete the payment. "We are working to develop a system both to simplify workflow Marks & Spencer, but also by mobile devices allow customers to enjoy shopping for new and efficient management system, which for the IT department, it can be a cultural change and a makeover." Early Marks & Spencer involving large data collected by a large number of users purchasing behavior data can be used to do what?, and many large retail vendor executives like Stan also very concerned about this area. Marthas technical team is working with other business organizations to deploy large data strategy, hoping to find customers "at first sight" will focus first on what items. "To reveal the nature of the data more intelligently in order to increase profits, to promote sales." He said. "Should not be a daily mail harassment of all your customers: 10% off a product, while the message should be phased manner, said: We understand that you two months ago I purchased two of these products, because you usually are Buy once every two months, so if you are considering buying this product, we will give you a discount. "Stein said. 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Stan went to San Francisco to find some solutions, it is the UKs big data technology can not meet the needs of Marks & Spencer do? Stein said that the U.S. tour so that he benefited in two ways: First, to understand like eBay is [url=http://www.aaphilippines.org/view.html]woolrich bologna[/url] often a leading company Marks & Spencer how to use big data; two is to absorb advanced technologies, such as Hadoop, the British also few companies using the technology. Currently Marks & Spencer has mastered the use of different tools combined data-handling capacity, and most business data management work is done by a dedicated team. "Of course, technology can not be one size fits all." Stein emphasized. Multi-channel platform, "go to Amazon" Recently, Marks & Spencer gains and losses directly affect important project is to back a multi-channel system from Marks & Spencer used before AWS (Amazon Web Services) transition to a new independent research platform. The project consists of two parts: the basics such as product information management, Pictures peripheral data processing, order management and other work has officially started. 2014 first half of the new front-end system will run. This decision not only because Amazon is Marks & Spencers competitors, but also because the Amazon cloud computing services want to standardize its cloud services, packaged to other retailers. "This is known as a tremendous change, as a high-profile enterprises, the background of the conversion is carried out under the industrys concerns and we can not afford the site to stop two weeks, two days, even two hours of consideration - must be guaranteed website uptime. "Stein said. Therefore, as your business grows, Marks & Spencer and strive to enhance the technological level of the IT department, to do the Amazon once for it to do the work, such as security and IT operations. Meanwhile, Marks & Spencers new employees need to have more expertise. So, in 2004 the multi-channel platform Marks & Spencer practice of outsourcing is not a wrong decision? "This is known as a cost-effective deal. 2004 our financial strength is weak, and the lack of e-commerce experience, AWS make our business more secure , more intelligent. Compared to 2004, growth in business volume is now about 10 times. "Stein [url=http://www.abccert.org/woolrich.html]woolrich sale[/url] said," And, now is the best time to leave AWS The contract will expire in 2014, I believe that when we are able to separate the face All this, and there is no breach of contract and so on. 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